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¿Cómo usa AAVE los proxies?
Estoy intentando entender cómo AAVE usa los proxies en sus contratos inteligentes. Me he dado cuenta de que la mayoría de los proxies, como OpenZeppelin, solo tienen un contrato de implementación, lo que significa que necesito un proxy por contrato de implementación. Este parece un proceso engorroso.
También me he encontrado con proxies con múltiples implementaciones, como el Diamond Standard. Sin embargo, el Diamond Standard añade complejidad y ha recibido críticas mixtas de Trail of Bits, Consensys y otras fuentes.
Por lo tanto, mi pregunta es: ¿AAVE usa un proxy por contrato de implementación o usa proxies con múltiples implementaciones? Si usan proxies con múltiples implementaciones, ¿usan el Diamond Standard o algo más?
- Aave Protocol
1AAVE uses a single implementation proxy. They use a custom implementation of the proxy pattern, which is different from the Diamond Standard. The AAVE proxy contract allows them to upgrade multiple implementation contracts without the need for deploying a new proxy contract for each implementation.
As you mentioned, the Diamond Standard is one approach to implementing a proxy contract with support for multiple implementation contracts. However, the complexity of the Diamond Standard has led some developers to seek alternative solutions. AAVE's custom implementation of the proxy pattern is one such alternative.
AAVE's implementation of the proxy pattern enables them to maintain a single proxy contract that can be used to upgrade multiple implementation contracts. This approach simplifies the upgrade process and reduces the deployment overhead. However, this does come with some trade-offs, such as reduced transparency in the upgrade process, since each implementation contract can have its upgrade function.
In summary, AAVE uses a custom implementation of the proxy pattern to support multiple implementation contracts in their smart contracts. This approach enables them to upgrade their contracts efficiently while minimizing the overhead of deployment.
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Aave is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers.
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