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Where Do I Claim Aave Interest Rates Payments for My Deposits in v2 Polygon Market?
I have deposited some Matic into the Aave v2 polygon market a few weeks ago, but I'm not seeing any Aave interest rates payments reflected in my Metamask wallet. Am I supposed to claim the interest payments manually? If so, where do I go to claim the payments?
Thank you in advance for your help.
- Health Factor
- Aave v2
1Yes. Interest is not automatically sent to your wallet. Your supplied crypto will simply increase in value over time so the amount you withdraw will be more than what you've originally deposited. Fun to see: if you click on withdraw and then click on the 'max' button (but don't actually withdraw), you will see the number increase every second or so.
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Aave is a decentralized non-custodial liquidity protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers.
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